59:17duration 59 minutes 17 seconds
What Can Learning Analytics and the Scholarship…
What Can Learning Analytics and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Teach Us About Teaching (Feb-9-2024) LA CoP
Jonathan Gallimore spoke with us about the…
55:04duration 55 minutes 4 seconds
Learning Analytics in our Learn@UW Tools - Quick…
Learning Analytics in our Learn@UW Tools - Quick Tour (Nov-10-2023) LA CoP
In this session we looked at data that is…
51:30duration 51 minutes 30 seconds
Emerging Themes & Topics from Spring…
Emerging Themes & Topics from Spring Conferences (May-12-2023) LA CoP
It's spring conference season - what themes…
55:44duration 55 minutes 44 seconds
Data Empowered Educational Practices: an Overview…
Data Empowered Educational Practices: an Overview [DEEP] (Feb-10-2023) LA CoP
At this session, we were provided with an…
49:32duration 49 minutes 32 seconds
What do biases have to do with learning…
What do biases have to do with learning analytics? (Mar-10-2023) LA CoP
In the March LA Community of Practice, we…
46:19duration 46 minutes 19 seconds
Exploring Course-Level Data in Tableau…
Exploring Course-Level Data in Tableau Visualizations (Dec-8-2023) LA CoP
We heard about curricular data that’s…
48:16duration 48 minutes 16 seconds
Data Governance - Why it matters and what it…
Data Governance - Why it matters and what it means for you (Oct-13-2023) LA CoP
Dan Voeks and Mary Thompson provided a brief…