Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office
Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office
The State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) is Wisconsin’s resource for information about maps, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), land information systems (LIS), and geospatial technology. We support the state’s geospatial community through presentations and educational workshops, technical consulting, print and digital publications, Web-based catalogs and data services, and information about events, jobs and emerging trends.
0 0 likes | 2 2 playsThe Career Panel featured Caroline Rose (Cartographer & GIS Specialist, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey), Blake Draper (Supervisory Geographer…
0 0 likes | 5 5 playsDanielle Tanzer from the UW–Madison Arboretum presents: Geospatial Data at the UW–Madison Arboretum
0 0 likes | 2 2 playsState Geologist Sue Swanson presents: Mapping and Geospatial Analysis at the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
From Hayden Elza
In this video I cover what web accessibility is, how to assess your own sites for accessibility, and what strategies can be used to improve the accessibility of your web… -
In the ‘Climate’ collection, users can access a series of downscaled climate modeling datasets in GIS-friendly formats created by Dr. Eric Compas from the…
From Howard VEREGIN
A short description of the Wisconsin Unincorporated Place Project by the Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office. -
The WICDI project aims to establish a Wisconsin Coastal-Management Data Infrastructure. With funding from NOAA, the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, and the State…
GeoData@Wisconsin is a statewide geoportal containing nearly 21,000 free Wisconsin spatial datasets produced by local, regional, state and federal government…
What would a web map built in one minute look like? What are some of the basics you could add with another hour? How different does a one-hour web map look from a…
Scanned topographic maps published by the USGS date back to 1889 in Wisconsin, and as such, provide excellent insight for historical research. With nearly 12,000 topos…
0 0 likes | 63 63 playsMuch of the aerial imagery available in Wisconsin is organized as county mosaics, U.S. Geological Survey Quarter-Quadrangle tiles, and in some cases, individual scanned…
0 0 likes | 31 31 playsThe field notes and plat maps of the public land survey of Wisconsin are a valuable resource for original land survey information, as well as for understanding…
0 0 likes | 27 27 playsIn GeoData@Wisconsin, the keyword search bar is located at the top of the page. Simply enter a search term here to see results. Keywords are often best way to begin your…
0 0 likes | 69 69 playsWisconsin is fortunate to have complete nearly coverage of LiDAR-derived elevation data available from our partner, WisconsinView.Org. LiDAR data can be particularly…
0 0 likes | 51 51 playsUsing the map is a great way to see all the available data for a specific area of interest. Searching by using the map is what makes a geoportal special. When combined…
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