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IMG LM Mod3 Quiz Q4 Response 3 of 3

Sidewall of tire indicating scuff marks.

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From  BRIAN ADAMS 0 likes 33  0  

IMG LM Mod3 Quiz Q4 Response 2 of 3

A series of shallow scrapes (less than half-an-inch) in the 3-inch tread of the tire caused by the manure tanker turning too tightly and scraping the tire. Scrapes are highlighted in a red box. Image…

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From  BRIAN ADAMS 0 likes 34  0  

IMG LM Mod5 Quiz Q4 Response 2 of 2

A map showing Route 2. The route to reach the field loaded requires right and left turns, is longer, but does not require turning at a 45-degree intersection. The graphic by Elizabeth Rossi,…

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From  BRIAN ADAMS 0 likes 40  0  

IMG LM Mod5 Quiz Q4 Response 1 of 2

A map showing Route 1. The route to reach the field loaded requires left turns and turning at a 45-degree intersection. This route is shorter and more direct than the other option. The graphic by…

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From  BRIAN ADAMS 0 likes 41  0  

IMG LM Mod5 Quiz Q4 Main

A map showing the farm location, the location of four different fields, and the road network. The road network includes several potential danger points, including blind corners/tight turns, curves,…

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From  BRIAN ADAMS 0 likes 36  0