50:40duration 50 minutes 40 seconds
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 10.23.2019…
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 10.23.2019 4.35.13PM
49:31duration 49 minutes 31 seconds
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 10.18.2019…
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 10.18.2019 4.35.11PM
49:33duration 49 minutes 33 seconds
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 9.9.2019…
Tyler Caraza-Harter- IngrahamB10 9.9.2019 4.35.20PM
01:29duration 1 minute 29 seconds
Protocol Submission Via SmartForm - Proof of…
Protocol Submission Via SmartForm - Proof of Concept
Just showing that protocol submission through the last page of the SmartForm is doable and customizeable.