Livestock farming stands out as one of the main drivers of deforestation in the region. Since 2009, the Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutors' Service (MPF in Portuguese) has played a crucial role in combating any new deforestation due to pastures through Zero-Deforestation Cattle Agreements. These agreements require meatpacking companies and slaughterhouses committing to not purchase cattle from farms that are engaged in illegal deforestation and other socio-environmental crimes.
During his presentation, Negrini, a federal prosecutor from the state of Pará in northern Brazil, will discuss how these agreements were crafted and the main challenges faced when implementing them to ensure deforestation-free cattle production.
The Weston Roundtable is made possible by a generous donation from Roy F. Weston, a highly accomplished UW-Madison alumnus. Designed to promote a robust understanding of sustainability science, engineering, and policy, these interactive lectures are co-sponsored by the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Office of Sustainability.