WestonRoundtable_LindaNicholasFigueroa _20240208
Iḷisaġvik College is located in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, within a region called the North Slope that is home to about 10,000 people residing in eight villages with Iñupiat Native Alaskans being the vast majority of the population. These communities practice their traditional culture and values, relying heavily on subsistence including whaling, hunting, and berry picking.
This discussion features stories about teaching science in this unique environment and integrating Iñupiat culture and knowledge into undergraduate microbiology courses, Arctic research studies, and summer climate change camps for Alaskan Native students.
The Weston Roundtable is made possible by a generous donation from Roy F. Weston, a highly accomplished UW-Madison alumnus. Designed to promote a robust understanding of sustainability science, engineering, and policy, these interactive lectures are co-sponsored by the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Office of Sustainability.