Search for tag: "social justice"

Crafting New Futures Using “Ideas Arrangements Effects”

The Studio proposes that we can redesign systems if we follow a simple premise: “Ideas are embedded in social arrangements, which in turn produce effects.” They offer arrangements as a…

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From  Laura Peck 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Social Cinema: Jennifer Boulley, Dana Churness & Mark Schlosberg discuss “River’s End: California’s Latest Water War”

River’s End reveals California’s complex struggle over who gets fresh water, and how moneyed interests game the system. Constant battling over uncertain water supplies heralds an…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Social Cinema: John E. Peck & Lynn Utesch discuss “Kiss the Ground: Regenerating the World’s Soils to Combat Climate Change"

Kiss the Ground reveals that, by regenerating the world’s soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Using…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Social Cinema: Nora Benavidez discusses "The Social Dilemma"

The Social Dilemma (directed by Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell) blends documentary investigation and narrative drama to disrupt the disrupters, unveiling the hidden machinations behind…

From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Gabe Winant: In the Crucible of Care: Deindustrialization and the Rise of the Care Economy

Gabriel Winant is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Chicago. He is the author of The Next Shift: The Fall of Industry and the Rise of Health Care in Rust Belt America, which…

From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Deborah Cowen: The Logistics of Life and Death: COVID, Climate, Coloniality

Deborah Cowen is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. Their work is concerned with the intimate life of war in seemingly civilian spaces, the…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Anita Sreedhar & Anand Gopal: Vaccine Avoidance and the Crisis of Social Solidarity: COVID, Public Health, and Collective Well-being

Anita Sreedhar MD MPH is a public health specialist and physician resident at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY. She has focused on the neoliberalization of global public health, such as…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Amahl Bishara: Crossing a Line: Laws, Violence & Roadblocks to Palestinian Political Expression

Amahl Bishara is Associate Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department and affiliate faculty with the Department of Race, Colonialism and Diaspora at Tufts University. She is the author of the…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Adaner Usmani & Christopher Lewis: What’s Wrong with Mass Incarceration?

Adaner Usmani is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Studies at Harvard University. His research is driven by two questions: Why do some people flourish while others suffer? And, what…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 154 plays 0  

Adaner Usmani & John Clegg: From Plantation to Prison: The Origins of American Mass Incarceration Adaner Usmani, John Clegg

Adaner Usmani is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Studies at Harvard University. His research is driven by two questions: Why do some people flourish while others suffer? And, what…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Jamie Allinson - Class, History and Nation: Neil Davidson's Engagement with Nationalism

Neil Davidson was one of the great Marxist intellectuals of modern Scotland, who tragically passed away in 2020. This lecture will explore his writing on the topic of nationalism, a topic that…

From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 19 plays 0  

John Bellamy Foster: Marxism, Ecology and Climate Crisis

A lecture one week before the COP26 international summit analyzing the climate emergency and how we can achieve climate justice.John Bellamy Foster is editor of Monthly Review and professor of…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 110 plays 0  

Donna Murch: "Crack in Los Angeles: Policing the Crisis and the War on Drugs"

CO-SPONSORED BY THE UW-MADISON DEPARTMENT OF AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES Donna Murch is associate professor of history at Rutgers University. She is currently completing a new trade press book entitled…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Toni Gilpin: “‘We’re Not Going to Be Second Class Citizens in the South’: the Radical, Interracial Organizing Model of the Farm Equipment Workers in Louisville, Kentucky“

The second in a series of two lectures from Toni Gilpin, given for the Havens Wright Center Spring 2021 Visiting Scholar Program. Toni Gilpin is a labor historian, writer, and activist who holds a…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 57 plays 0  

Toni Gilpin: “Class Collaboration or Class War? The Battle to Define Profit, Progress, and the Purpose of Unionism in the 20th Century Labor Movement”

The first in a series of two lectures from Toni Gilpin, given for the Havens Wright Center Spring 2021 Visiting Scholar Program. Toni Gilpin is a labor historian, writer, and activist who holds a…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 71 plays 0  

AnneBonds: “Possessive Whiteness: Racism, Property, and Power and the Making of Milwaukee, Wisconsin”

The second in a series of two lectures from Professor Anne Bonds given for the Havens Wright Center Spring 2021 Visiting Scholar Program. Anne Bonds is associate professor of Geography and Urban…

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From  Peter Ramand 0 likes 24 plays 0