Pandemic Resilience with Hazel Borys: Safer citizens, better outcomes through innovation in land use and policy
From Gavin Luter January 26th, 2021
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What’s likely to linger in the aftermath of the global COVID crisis are the impacts on local and regional governments that provide the services citizens experience most directly in their daily lives. Faced with budget shortfalls, growing to-do lists for routine tasks delayed by the emergency, and general uncertainty about a “new normal,” how might governments address the uncertainty and respond effectively to the challenges? That’s the goal of our Pandemic Toolkit. Currently being translated into 7 languages, with English, Spanish, and Arabic available now at Join this session with the toolkit’s lead author, Hazel Borys, to explore the applications.
About the Speaker
Hazel Borys is President of PlaceMakers, LLC in the USA and PlaceMakers, Inc., in Canada, city planning firms working to advance the livability conversation. Borys and her team are passionate about walkable urban and rural places, and believe that diverse, character-rich neighborhoods can actually make us happier. She guides governments through policy and land use law reforms and helps developers build livable places. Hazel is an engineer with an MBA, specializing in finance and marketing. She is lead author of the Pandemic Toolkit,, and Hazel is a blogger and serves on the boards of the Transect Codes Council and the Winnipeg Foundation, Canada’s oldest community foundation.
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