Patrick McDaniel / Weston Roundtable (Feb. 2, 2023)
It is undeniable that we are at a pivotal point in human existence. Humans as a species have grown in population and infrastructure to the point where our collective actions are impacting nearly every living thing and natural process on earth. So, what can we do to achieve a sustainable lifestyle on earth? McDaniel believes that sustainability can only be achieved when framed as a (physical and cyber) security and game theory problem. Put simply, without verifiable enforcement sustainability in the large will fail.
In this talk McDaniel will explore the economics of green initiatives and attempt to frame our collective efforts at reaching a sustainable future as one of systems under threat. Our call to action is to create a new subfield of security that addresses these threats and develops countermeasures. He will explore:
Lastly, McDaniel will revisit how future technologies can be integrated into sound policy.
The Weston Roundtable is made possible by a generous donation from Roy F. Weston, a highly accomplished UW-Madison alumnus. Designed to promote a robust understanding of sustainability science, engineering, and policy, these interactive lectures are co-sponsored by the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Office of Sustainability.