Greenhouse & Nursery Categories (3.1 Commercial / 104 and 105
Private) Pesticides and the Law. Video
originally featured on the DVD "Private and Commercial Pesticide
Applicator Training: Greenhouse & Nursery (Private 104 / 105)
(Commercial 3.1). Last Updated 2006, reviewed 2018.
WARNING: Most of the information in this video at the level presented is still relevant. However: a) there is no longer a plastic red certification cards; b) Worker Protection Standard (WPS) has expanded "immediate" family to include in laws uncles, aunts, and first cousins; c) WPS employee training now has to be given annually; d) WPS signs also have to be displayed if product's REI is greater than 48 hours (out doors) or 4 hours (indoor). There have been several rule changes to the WPS however the video does not present at that level of detail. For more information about the new rules regarding WPS see the PERC Web site [ ] . Records have to be kept by ALL commercial applicators of ALL applications.