Teaching Academy 2023 Winter Retreat:
Confronting Burnout, Rekindling Wellbeing, and Rebuilding Connection
- February 3, 2023, DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institute of Discovery
Retreat Links:
Retreat Schedule:
8:45 Zoom Opens9:00 Welcome! & Land Acknowledgement9:10 Setting the Stage: Activity (Breakout & Table Groups)9:35 Guest Introductions- Raquel Tatar, Senior Director of Research and Measures at Healthy Minds Innovations, Inc. and Researcher at Center for Healthy Minds, UW-Madison
- Sarah Webber, Associate Professor and Director of Wellbeing, Department of Pediatrics, UW-Madison (hear my name)
- Abigail Letak, PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, and Writing Center Instructor, UW-Madison (hear my name)
- Wei-Chiao Hsu, Mental Health Provider, Lecturer, University Health Services, UW-Madison (hear my name)
10:00 Audience led Q&A10:45
Break & Refreshments11:00 Share & Learn (Breakout & Groups)
Conclusion & Exit Survey
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