15:49duration 15 minutes 49 seconds
Treasures of the Wisconsin Historical Society…
Treasures of the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives
From Lee Grady
07:25duration 7 minutes 25 seconds
History 245 - 1: Introduction to the Wisconsin…
History 245 - 1: Introduction to the Wisconsin Historical Society
08:12duration 8 minutes 12 seconds
History 245 - 5: Digital Archives Collections
12:44duration 12 minutes 44 seconds
History 245 - 4: Archives Collections
09:51duration 9 minutes 51 seconds
History 245 - 3: Newspapers
10:37duration 10 minutes 37 seconds
History 245 - 2: Books and Journals (Secondary…
History 245 - 2: Books and Journals (Secondary Sources)
06:39duration 6 minutes 39 seconds
WHS Tour 1: Introduction
06:28duration 6 minutes 28 seconds
WHS Tour 2: Archives Reading Room
20:54duration 20 minutes 54 seconds
WHS Tour 3: Treasures of the Archives
05:55duration 5 minutes 55 seconds
History 201 - 5: More Digital Collections
History 201 - 4: Archival Sources
08:31duration 8 minutes 31 seconds
History 201 - 3: Newspapers
09:07duration 9 minutes 7 seconds
History 201 - 2: Secondary Sources
History 201 - 1: Introduction to the Wisconsin…
History 201 - 1: Introduction to the Wisconsin Historical Society
17:32duration 17 minutes 32 seconds
English 201 - 4 Unpublished Sources
Public, Restricted