01:04:00duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Investigating the Signatures of Substellar…
Investigating the Signatures of Substellar Ingestion (Melinda Soares-Furtado)
58:05duration 58 minutes 5 seconds
Scaling Laws for Large Scale Magnetic Fields in…
Scaling Laws for Large Scale Magnetic Fields in Stars and in the Laboratory
01:13:59duration 1 hour 13 minutes
JWST status as of 2020, and some of its first…
JWST status as of 2020, and some of its first Science Programs: Time Domain Science, Cluster Lensing \& Caustic Transits
01:08:12duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Particle acceleration by pressure anisotropy…
Particle acceleration by pressure anisotropy plasma instabilities: from black hole accretion disks to solar flares (Mario Riquelme)
01:02:21duration 1 hour 2 minutes
What we learn when we're careful: the power…
What we learn when we're careful: the power of Seismic Stellar Evolution (Meridith Joyce)
01:12:03duration 1 hour 12 minutes
Knitting Together a New 3D View of our Milky Way…
Knitting Together a New 3D View of our Milky Way Galaxy (Catherine Zucker)
01:19:39duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Evolutionary Rhythms in the Dark Hearts of…
Evolutionary Rhythms in the Dark Hearts of Galaxies (Jay Gallagher)
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